Grow Wings 4-H Club is looking for more members to consider joining their club. This club was created as a project of a now graduated 4-H member, Jessica Shank, who had the opportunity to attend a Leaders in Equity Institute that was held at the National 4-H Center in 2019. Unfortunately, COVID put the full implementation of her project on hold. Last spring a few meetings were held, but this year Grow Wings is excited to have officers, a full year of fun planned, and Jessica is now a volunteer leader. The mission of 4-H is to give ALL youth equal access to opportunity. 4‑H provides kids with community, mentors, and learning opportunities to develop the skills they need to create positive change in their lives and communities. Grow Wings is unique in that the top leadership positions are reserved for students who participate in Special Education at school or are utilizing a 504 Plan for support and accommodations at school. All other 4-H members are welcome to participate too, as buddies and mentors are needed. The Grow Wings Club meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:15 PM at the Turtle Wing office campus in Schulenburg (1203 S. Kessler Ave., suite 201). At their last meeting, members learned about "speed events" on horseback that they will get to try soon, such as figure-8 barrels, cloverleaf barrels, and pole bending. They enjoyed a fun mock stick horse race. The next Grow Wings 4-H meeting will be Thursday, October 28. The program will be part of their Health & Personal Safety project and will be on safety around animals. New members are always welcome. To join, visit Grow Wings members have picked two projects to focus on at their meetings: Horse(less) meaning horse ownership is not required, and Health and Personal Safety. 4-H members from surrounding counties are welcome to participate as well, they are not required to live in Fayette County. For more information contact Susie Shank at (979)820-8964 or your local Agri-Life 4-H agent.
To learn more about Turtle Wing Foundation “like” our page on Facebook @turtlewingfoundation.
photo: Grow Wings member Karlie Hotz practices the pole bending pattern as part of their stick horse fun