On October 19, 2019, St. John Lutheran Women of the Rutersville Church hosted the “Western Cluster Fall Gathering” with a brunch at their fellowship hall. The theme for the morning was “Trust in the Lord!” The speaker for the event was Susie Shank from Turtle Wing Foundation. Her message was on helping children with learning challenges in rural areas achieve their full potential and how we as a community may want to help. Following the speaker, Cathy Gau, Western Cluster Coordinator, conducted the business meeting. Fifty-four persons were in attendance from area Lutheran churches. A presentation of checks from the cluster gathering free-will offering which totaled $925 was given to Turtle Wing. Additionally, a check of $500 from the Rutersville Ladies Bake Sale held at the Antique Fair in Warrenton was also presented. Turtle Wing has been providing Early Intervention, Supplemental Services and Community Education & Advocacy programming to children and families from Colorado, Fayette, Lavaca and surrounding counties with academic, social-emotional, behavioral and/or developmental needs since 2012. Last year 325 children received direct services with thousands more benefiting indirectly through education and advocacy work. To learn more about Turtle Wing Foundation visit www.turtlewingfoundation.org or contact Managing Director, Susie Shank, at 979-505-5090.
Picture: Leatrice Scholtz, treasurer of Rutersville WELCA presenting the checks to Phyllis Fritsch representing Turtle Wing and also a member of Rutersville WELCA. Others pictured left to right include Viola Weiss, member of Rutersville WELCA; Pastor Marcia Kifer of Shared Lutheran Ministry which includes the Rutersville Church; Carolyn Rotter, secretary of Rutersville WELCA; Lorali Schultz, Coordinator of Rutersville WELCA and Darlene Weyand, also a member of Rutersville WELCA.